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Renewable electrical energy

At 1-MW, we offer renewable electrical energy solutions to benefit both your business and the environment. Our solar power generation and solar wells and pump services, are highly appreciated.

And our gas-fired and hydrogen-ready microgrids, and if existent assets like Diesel Gensets to include together with batteries or renewable (wind or solar) are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and move towards a zero-emissions future.

Why choose 1-Megawatt

We work C & I 

The number of solutions for the Commercial and Industrial sectors require a special mindset to visualize and conceive "out-of-the-box" solutions and thus optimize investments and energy costs.

Professional experience has a very important weight to be able to implement new solutions while keeping intact and  including improving coverage of customer needs.

Net Zero

Meeting the Net Zero goals is a real need but in addition, the timing of 2025 - 2030 offers unique opportunities such as taking advantage of multiple incentives in tax discounts, preferential financing. Likewise improve the rate, stay updated on the global trend of clean technologies.

We integrate services for Power & Water

Renewable energy is much more than replacing conventional energy sources.

Improving system efficiency includes integrating energy services with white water pumping management.

It also includes taking advantage of cogeneration or trigeneration opportunities: Energy, Water Steam and Cold Water

Future Trends

We understand that the transition to renewable electric energy solutions can seem overwhelming. But it is just the beginning of a profound transformation that will lead us to new mobility solutions and anticipate the arrival of Hydrogen in the near future.

At 1-MW (1 Megawatt), we prepare our partners and customers for that future.


How renewable electrical energy works for you?

At 1-MW (1-Megawatt), we offer renewable electric energy solutions that use advanced technology to generate energy from renewable sources such as the sun, gas and hydrogen. Our experts can guide you through the installation process and help you understand how your business can benefit from renewable electric energy.

Site Survey

Our experts will evaluate your best site for renewable electric energy solutions. We take into account factors such as location, interconnection availability and risk minimization to determine the best solution for your company.

Terms & Conditions

As Promoters, At 1-MW (1 Megawatt), , we ensure that the transition process to renewable electric energy solutions is as easy as possible for our customers. We take care of the necessary procedures and agreements to guarantee smooth construction until commissioning.


At 1-MW (1 Megawatt), we handle the entire process of installing renewable electric energy solutions, including obtaining the necessary permits. We make sure everything is done correctly and on time so that your company can benefit from renewable electrical energy as soon as possible.

Service connection

Our experts ensure that your company (whether industry or commerce) is connected to the necessary services using renewable electrical energy. A smooth transition to new technologies is always the best way to ensure the competitiveness of our clients.

All set

At 1-MW (1 Megawatt), we make sure everything is in place so your business can benefit from renewable electrical energy. From site eligibility assessment to connecting services, we take care of everything so your business can save money and reduce its carbon footprint as quickly as possible.

Instalación de paneles solares
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