2.1 Microgrid Data Collection
Data Collection in the Microgrid Side
Service Description
In this consulting service we collect, organize and analize following information: 1. Load Data collection and Analysis 2. Electrical infraerstructure:Single line Diagram; drawings and maps; state of the existing distribution system; Isolation points. 3. Existing DER (Dispatchable and Variable) 4. Future DER (Location; Fuel; Economic Viability and Incents) 5. Interconnection point in the side of the microgrid (A separate study is neccessary in the side of the utility) 6. Communications Infraestructure. 7. Energy cost assessment. 8. Existing Resilience and Reliability (This is the utility service view from the microgride size).
Contact Details
Porto Metropolitan Area, Portugal
+351 926428941
São Félix da Marinha, Portugal
+1 (832) 4974296
Porto Metropolitan Area, Portugal
+1 (832) 4974296